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Complete the Initial Setup Using the NimbleOS CLI

Before you begin

The CLI requires a direct or serial connection with the array.

See Set up a Direct Connection or Set up a Serial Connection.

Before you start, fill out the Installation Checklist . You need the information from the checklist to perform the initial CLI setup.

Note: Subnet and VLAN configuration is a separate action.


  1. After you are logged into the active controller, type: setup The Terms and Conditions are displayed.
  2. Click Enter to read the Terms and Conditions, then type yes to accept them.
  3. Type the following information as requested. Example values are shown here.
    Important: If you accept an incorrect entry, you must start the setup process again.
    1. Enter array name: greyhound
    2. Enter group name: storehouse
    3. Enter management IP address:
    4. Enter management netmask:
    5. Enter default gateway IP address:
    6. Enter domain name: admin.storage.com
    7. Do you want to continue setup in the GUI? Enter yes or no: no
    Note: Use your own values for each item in the preceding sample.
  4. Specify whether you want to continue the setup in the GUI.
    1. If you type yes, the array opens the GUI to complete the configuration as described in Configure the Array Using the Nimble Setup Manager.
    2. If you type no, continue to Step 5 to complete the configuration.
  5. Type the following information as requested. Example values are shown here.
    1. Enter comma-separated list of DNS server(s):,10.
    2. Enter NTP server name: time.ntpserver.com
    3. Enter time zone: America/Los_Angeles
    4. Enter subnet label for NIC eth1: management
    5. Enter subnet for NIC eth1 (use slash notation, for example,
    6. Enter comma-separated list of subnet types for the subnet on NIC eth1 [management,data]: management
    7. Enter MTU for the subnet on NIC eth1 [standard | jumbo | <integer>]: standard
    8. Enter subnet label for NIC eth:
    9. Enter data IP address for NIC eth1:
    10. Enter support IP address for controller A:
    11. Enter support IP address for controller B:
    Note: Use your own values for each item in the preceding sample.
  6. After the setup is complete, disconnect the Serial-USB-VGA adapter (dongle) and serial cable.

What to do next

Open an SSH session to the management IP address of the array and log in with the user name admin and the password admin.

If you need to change the admin password, type useradmin --passwd, press Enter, and follow the prompts.

Next, see After Installation and Initial Setup.