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Installation Checklist


This list is available as a convenient PDF form from your Nimble service representative.

Obtain this information from your network administrator. All network settings represent IPv4 values.

You type this information the first time that you access the NimbleOS to configure the array.

Component Item Value
Array access Array name
Group name
Management IP address
Discovery IP address – For iSCSI arrays only:
Network address
Subnet mask
Default gateway
Administrator password
Controller A diagnostic IP address
Controller B diagnostic IP address
Domain name
DNS server IP addresses, up to 5
Time zone
NTP (time) server IP address
Subnets Subnet Label
Network Address
Subnet Mask
Traffic Type:
  • Data only
  • Management only
  • Management + Data
Traffic Assignment – For iSCSI arrays only:
  • iSCSI + Group
  • iSCSI only
  • Group only
Discovery IP address – For iSCSI arrays only
IP Address Zone – For iSCSI arrays only:
  • Single
  • Bisect
  • Even/Odd
  • Standard (1500 bytes)
  • Jumbo (9000 bytes)
  • Custom number of bytes
VLAN ID – 1 to 4094
Interfaces assigned to this subnet:

CS200 series, CS400 series, CS235, CS300, CS500, CS700: eth1, eth2, eth3, eth4, eth5, eth6

Interfaces Subnet type:
  • Data only
  • Management + data
  • VLAN
Data IP address – For Data-only subnet type
Tagged for VLAN – Enables access to multiple subnets using tagged frames
For email notification: Sender (from) email address
Recipient email addresses
SMTP server IP address
If you use an HTTP proxy: HTTP proxy server IP address
HTTP proxy server port
HTTP proxy server user name
HTTP proxy server password