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Set up a Direct Connection

Before you begin

Obtain these items:
  • Computer monitor that supports a VGA connection
  • Computer keyboard that supports a USB connection
  • Nimble Serial-USB-VGA adapter (dongle) from the Accessories kit that came with your Nimble array

The CLI supports a direct connection for the initial setup of the array. After setup, the CLI can also use an SSH connection over the network.


  1. Attach the Nimble Serial-USB-VGA adapter (dongle) to the KVM port on Controller A.

  2. Connect the video cable from your monitor to the VGA connector on the adapter. Plug the monitor into a suitable power source.
  3. Connect the USB cable from your keyboard to the USB connector on the adapter.
  4. Log in as user admin with the password admin.
    Note: You can only log into the active controller. If you cannot log in, move the Nimble Serial-USB-VGA adapter to the other controller and try to log in again.
    Once you have logged in, the CLI is ready to accept commands.

What to do next

Type ? to see a list of commands.

Type the command followed by --help to see the usage information for that command.