Using a Snapshot to Recover an Exchange Database

  1. Identify the application-consistent snapshot set to restore. This set is preferably associated with a schedule that includes verification with eseutil.
  2. Clone each of the snapshots (typically a database and log snapshot pair) to form new volumes. This can be done from the Volume Collection snapshot tab.
  3. Connect the iSCSI volumes on the Windows Server.
  4. Make the volume writable:
    1. Identify the disk number of the volume(s) you want to set writable using the Disk Management utility.
    2. Use the Set-NimVolume PowerShell cmdlet (repeat for each disk number):

      Example using a disk ID:

      PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-NimVolume -DiskID 3 -Online $true -ReadOnly $false -Hidden $false -ShadowCopy $false

  5. Configure the appropriate Storage Group in Exchange to point to these new volumes.
  6. Mount the database in Exchange.