Perform an Exchange Database Recovery with Log Roll Forward

This recovery method recovers an Exchange database without losing any data changes that have happened between snapshot backups.
  1. Identify the most recent application-consistent snapshot set to restore. This set is preferably associated with a schedule that includes verification with the eseutil utility.
  2. Clone each of the snapshots (you only need the volumes with database files) to form new volumes.
    HPE recommends you use the Invoke-CloneNimVolume PowerShell cmdlet to do this. You can also do it from the Volume Collection Snapshot tab.
  3. Connect the cloned volumes on the Windows Server.
    This step is automatically performed when you use the Invoke-CloneNimVolume PowerShell cmdlet to clone the snapshots.
  4. Optional: Make backup copies of the existing database files prior to recovery.
    If space is available, you can temporarily rename them.
  5. Copy the database files to their original location on the Exchange server:
    Typically, *.edb
    Do NOT copy any transaction logs: Use the newer logs that have changes after the snapshot backup.
  6. From the command line tool, run the Exchange command:
    eseutil /mh <restored Exchange database file>
    Example: eseutil /mh MyExchangeDB.edb

    The Database Headers section of the output will show "dirty shutdown" with the "logs required" field indicating the earlier log sequence.
  7. Perform roll forward (hard recovery) to apply the newer transaction log changes to the database.

    Run the command esutil /R Enn /L existing log location replacing nn with the value that matches the transaction log file prefix. To verify the prefix, look at the file name of the transaction log files on your Exchange server. The prefix will be in the form of Enn.

    In the example eseutil /R E01 /L G:\ExLogs, the prefix is 01.
  8. Mount the database using the Exchange Management Console.
    Your database is recovered up to the last transaction log entry.