Create a Protection Template

Create as many protection templates as needed. You can use the ones provided by HPE, or customize your own.

NOTE: If you create protection templates that use replication, configure both arrays as replication partners before creating the protection template.
NOTE: If you have created a custom agent, specify the generic app type when creating a protection template.
  1. Create a protection template, including a protection schedule.
    prottmpl --create template_name [--description text] [--app_sync {none | vss | vmware | generic}] [--app_server server] [--app_id {exchange | sql2005 | sql2008 | sql2012 | exchange_dag | sql2014 | sql2016 | sql2017 | hyperv}] [--app_cluster_name cluster_name] [--app_service_name service_name] [--vcenter_hostname server] [--vcenter_username server] [--vcenter_password server] [--schedule name] [--repeat period] [--repeat_unit {minutes | hours | days | weeks}] [--at time] [--until time] [--days days] [--retain number] [--replicate_to partner] [--replicate_every number] [--num_retain_replica number] [--alert_threshold hh:mm] [--snap_verify {yes | no}] [--skip_db_consistency_check {yes | no}] [--disable_appsync {yes | no}] [--external_trigger {yes | no}]
  2. (Optional) Add another protection schedule to the specified protection template.
    prottmpl --addsched template_name --schedule name] [--repeat period] [--repeat_unit {minutes | hours | days | weeks}] [--at time] [--until time] [--days days] [--retain number] [--replicate_to partner] [--replicate_every number] [--num_retain_replica number] [--alert_threshold hh:mm] [--snap_verify {yes | no}] [--skip_db_consistency_check {yes | no}] [--disable_appsync {yes | no}] [--external_trigger {yes | no}]
    NOTE: You can create up to ten protection schedules for the specified protection template. For example, you can create one schedule for working hours, one for peak hours, and one for weekends. Schedules can overlap, but they cannot span midnight.

Creating a new protection template named highrepl.

prottmpl --create highrepl --description "use when high replication is needed"
--app_sync none --schedule replicated --repeat 1 --repeat_unit day 
--days Monday,Tuesday,Thursday --retain 8 --replicate_to greyhound 
--replicate_every 1 --num_retain_replica 40 --snap_verify no

Adding an hourly schedule to the highrepl protection template.

$ prottmpl --addsched highrepl --schedule hourly --repeat 1 --repeat_unit hours
    --retain 25 --snap_verify no

Creating a protection template with app sync type generic.

$ prottmpl --create gen-sync-test-prottmpl --app_sync generic --agent_hostname --agent_username Administrator --agent_password Nim123# --schedule sched1 --retain 30