Edit a Protection Template

You can edit protection templates, but the changes will apply only to volume collections based on the template after it has been changed. Existing volume collections are not affected.
NOTE: If you have created a custom agent, specify the generic app type when editing a protection template.
  1. Edit a protection template and at least one parameter to be changed.
    prottmpl --edit template_name [--name new_name] [--description text] [--app_sync {none | vss | vmware | generic}] [--app_server server] [--app_id {exchange | sql2005 | sql2008 | sql2012 | exchange_dag | sql2014 | sql2016 | sql2017 | hyperv}] [--app_cluster_name cluster_name] [--app_service_name service_name] [--vcenter_hostname server] [--vcenter_username server] [--vcenter_password server]
  2. (Optional) Edit an existing schedule assigned to the protection template.
    prottmpl --editsched template_name --schedule schedule_name [--repeat period] [--repeat_unit {minutes | hours | days | weeks}] [--at time] [--until time] [--days days] [--retain number] [--replicate_to partner] [--replicate_every number] [--num_retain_replica number] [--alert_threshold hh:mm] [--snap_verify {yes | no}] [--skip_db_consistency_check {yes | no}] [--disable_appsync {yes | no}] [--external_trigger {yes | no}]

Editing the protection template named highrepl to replicate once a week, and to retain 31 snapshots and 52 replicas.

$ prottmpl --edit highrepl --schedule replicated
--repeat 1 --repeat_unit weeks --retain 31 --replicate_to array7
--replicate_every 1 --num_retain_replica 52 --snap_verify no

Editing a protection template with app sync type generic.

prottmpl --edit gen-sync-test-prottmpl --agent_hostname 10.xx.xx.xxx