Perform a Manual Takeover of the Group Leader Array

  • You must have set up a secondary management IP address that is associated with the backup group leader array.
  • You must have an administration role associated with the backup group leader array.
  • You cannot have Automatic Switchover (ASO) of Group Management Services enabled or the Witness installed.
  • You cannot have a pool striped across two arrays in the group.

The takeover operation enables you to promote the backup group leader so that it becomes the group leader and takes over the management functions. You should only perform these steps if the group leader is not responsive.

NOTE: If the group leader is responsive, but you want to migrate the group leader functions to the backup group leader and promote it to group leader, use the group –migrate command to migrate the group leader to the backup group leader. The takeover operation will fail if the group leader is responsive.
  1. Log on to the backup group leader array using the secondary management IP address and either the power user or administrator role.
    For example, you can use Secure Shell (ssh) to log on to the array using a command line similar to the following one:

    ssh <secondary_IP_address> -l <power_user_role>

  2. If this is the first time you have used ssh to connect to the secondary management IP address, you will be prompted to accept the authenticity of the backup group leader array. Enter yes.
    The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:XvlOxh/nXTQGnhYpsnjoPcr9CROmMbRbqWkKfLX991ks. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)?
  3. Enter the group --check_takeover command to confirm that the group leader cannot be reached.

    Continue to the next step if the comand returns the following message:

    $ group --check_takeover
    INFO: Successfully passed takeover check

    If the command fails, you can use the group --status command to determine if there is a problem contacting the group leader.

    If the command continues to warn against performing a takeover, but the group leader is still unresponsive, contact support.
    IMPORTANT: Do not perform a takeover if the group leader is reachable.
  4. Enter the command group --takeover.
    When the takeover operation successfully completes, the ssh session ends and an email is sent to the Alerts email address stating that management services are coming back on line. It might take about 10 minutes for management services to resume. At that time the backup group leader will be the group leader and will handle the management tasks associated with that group.
    As the new group leader, it will acquire the group scope IP addresses, including management and discovery and release the secondary management IP address. You can now designate another array in the group as the backup group leader. That array then acquires the secondary management IP address.
    NOTE: In some cases the takeover operation fails. This can happen if the group leader array is still responsive. If you have problems, contact storage support.
After the takeover successfully completes, you should take the following actions:
  • Remove synchronous replication.
  • Set up synchronous replication.
  • Perform a handover.
  • (Optional) Migrate the group leader.