Remove Synchronous Replication from the Downstream Partner

Removing synchronous replication from the protection schedules enables the downstream volume to accept host connections. It also removes the downstream designation when you view the volume collection in the NimbleOS GUI and disassociates the volume from the volume collection.
NOTE: Do not perform this task if the array is out of sync.
  1. For each schedule for synchronous replication in the volume collection, run the following command:
    volcoll --editsched <volcoll_name> --schedule <schedule_name> --replicate_to "" --use_downstream_for_DR
  2. After the volume schedules have been updated, confirm that the downstream partner has been successfully removed from the volume collection schedules by going to the NimbleOS GUI and selecting ManageData StorageProtection. There should not be a downstream volume associated with the volume collection.
    NOTE: The upstream volume will still be associated with the volume collection. You will need to disassociate it if you want to enable synchronous replication when the other array is back.
  3. You can now mount the volume to a host, where it can be used as a production volume.
After you have disassociated the volume from the volume collection, you can add synchronous replication back. See Add Synchronous Replication.