Remove VLAN Tagging

To remove VLAN tagging, specify the appropriate interfaces as untagged. Use the draft configuration profile to ensure the removal is applied consistently to all NICs using the VLAN tag. For more information on creating a draft configuration profile, refer to the Command Line Reference.
  1. Create a draft configuration profile, from either the active or backup configuration profiles. You must have Power User permission or above to do this.
    netconfig --create_draft_from [active | backup ]
  2. Assign NICs to the draft configuration profile, with VLAN tagging set to no.
    nic --assign nic_name --netconfig draft --tagged no
    Repeat this step for each NIC for which VLAN tagging is to be removed.
  3. Validate the draft configuration profile.
    netconfig --validate draft
  4. Activate the draft configuration profile.
    netconfig --activate draft
    Upon activation of the profile, VLAN tagging is removed from the interfaces.

Removing VLAN tagging from three NICs (10GbT, 10GbE1 and 10GbE2) in the draft network configuration profile.

$ netconfig --create_draft_from active
$ nic --assign 10GbT --netconfig draft --tagged no
$ nic --assign 10GbE1 --netconfig draft --tagged no
$ nic --assign 10GbE2 --netconfig draft --tagged no
$ netconfig --validate draft
$ netconfig --activate draft