Configure VLAN Tagging

You must already have VLANs created on your network.

To enable VLAN tagging, first be sure a subnet has been created with a valid VLAN ID. (Subnets without a VLAN ID can only accept untagged traffic.) Then, assign network interfaces on an array to this subnet, and specify the interfaces as tagged. Use the draft configuration profile to ensure the assignment is applied consistently to all NICs using the VLAN tag. For more information on creating a draft configuration profile, refer to the Command Line Reference.

Note Do not use the same network for both back-end and front-end traffic. Heavy usage on one side will cause latency or congestion issues on the other side, and there will be a cascading impact to the overall environment.

  1. If no subnet exists, create a subnet with a valid VLAN ID (from 1-4094). If the subnet you want to configure already exists, skip to Step 2.
    subnet --add subnet_name --subnet_addr netmask --discovery_addr ip_address--type {mgmt | data | mgmt,data} --subtype (icsi | group} netzone_type {evenodd | bisect | single} netconfig name --vlanid vlan_id
  2. Create a draft configuration profile, from either the active or backup configuration profiles. You must have Power User permission or above to do this.
    netconfig --create_draft_from [active | backup ]
  3. Assign NICs to the draft configuration profile, with VLAN tagging set to yes.
    nic --assign nic_name --netconfig draft --tagged yes
    Repeat this step for each NIC for which VLAN tagging is to be added.
  4. Validate the draft configuration profile.
    netconfig --validate draft
  5. Activate the draft configuration profile.
    netconfig --activate draft
    Upon activation of the profile, VLAN tagging is removed from the interfaces.
  6. Verify that the VLAN tagging information is correct.
    subnet --list
$ netconfig --create_draft_from active
$ nic --assign 10GbT --netconfig draft --tagged yes
$ nic --assign 10GbE1 --netconfig draft --tagged yes
$ nic --assign 10GbE2 --netconfig draft --tagged yes
$ netconfig --validate draft
$ netconfig --activate draft