Gather Host Diagnostics Information

When you select MonitorHosts Host Diagnostics from the GUI, you can gather log information from the Windows hosts that have been registered with a group on the array and send that information to support. Support can use this information in connection with the information provided by DNA about the array to resolve possible issues. You must have Power User or above privileges to run Host Diagnostics.
NOTE: For information about DNA, see HPE Storage Diagnostics for Analytics.

The Host Diagnostics tab displays all the Windows hosts that have been registered with a group. You must use Host Diagnostics or Host Diagnostics Registration Tool to register the hosts.

NOTE: Host Diagnostics is a feature provided by the HPE Storage Toolkit for Windows 7.1.0 and later. At this time, Host Diagnostics supports only Windows hosts. Details about installing and using Host Diagnostics are provided in the Windows Integration Guide, which is available on the Documentation Portal on HPE InfoSight

To use the GUI to collect logs, you must be logged on with Power User or higher credentials. In addition, you must have enabled DNA for the array.

From the Host Diagnostics tab, you can select up to ten hosts and click the Collect Logs button to gather their log files. You get an error if you select more than ten hosts. Host Diagnostics can run log collections for four hosts concurrently and have six hosts in the queue.

The display refreshes every 15 seconds so you can monitor the operations.

When the log collection completes successfully, you can select the host and view its details page. Host Diagnostics provides the following Collection Details:
  • Collection Time provides the start time for the collection operation.
  • Collection Status provides information about whether the collection operation has finished.
  • DNA Time is the timestamp on the log bundle. You must provide this information to Support. The DNA Time uses the format year-month-day hour-minutes-seconds array-timezone. For example, if the array is located in the Eastern Daylight Timezone, you might see the following value for DNA Time:
    2020-9-25 21:53:15 0000 EDT
Host Diagnostics automatically places the log bundle ono the InfoSight share drive where Support can get it. You must send Support the DNA timestamp. Support uses that to locate the log bundle.