Edit a Folder

  1. From ManageData Storage, select the Folders view.
  2. Check the name of the pool containing the folder you want to edit.
  3. Select the pencil icon to edit the folder.
    Make any of the following changes, as desired.
  4. Enter a new folder name.
  5. Enter a new description for the folder.
  6. From the Space Limit dropdown, choose No limit, Based on usage or Based on provisioning.
    • If you choose Based on usage, enter a limit and select MiB, GiB, or TiB from the dropdown.

      To enable existing volumes in the folder to exceed the usage limit, select the Allow overdraft limit checkbox and set a percent. The overdraft limit is the percentage by which the folder can exceed the usage limit.

    • If you choose Based on provisioning, enter a limit and select MiB, GiB, or TiB from the dropdown.
  7. From the IOPS Limit and MIB/S Limit dropdowns, choose No Limit or Set Limit.
    When either the IOPS limit or the MBP/S limit is met, input/output requests are throttled.
    • If you choose Set Limit for IOPS, enter a value of 256 or greater.
    • If you choose Set Limit for MBP/S, enter a value equal to or greater than the IOPS limit multiplied by the volume block size.
  8. Click Save.