
Set or Reset VSS Snapshot Information on a disk using Set-NimVolume

Use the Set-NimVolume cmdlet to manage various Windows disk and volume attributes associated with the specific volume. Use the -AssignDriveLetter option to automatically assign the volume the next available Windows drive letter. Any available drive letter, from B to Z will be assigned. To assign a specific drive letter or mount point, use the -AccessPath option and specify the drive letter to use.

  • The -AssignDriveLetter and -AccessPath options only work if the disk has a single data partition.
  • Any existing access paths and drive letters will be removed before assigning the new one.
  • Using the -AssignDriveLetter or -AccessPath option is not allowed if any the following options are set to true in the same command:
    • -Offline
    • -ReadOnly
    • -Hidden
    • -Shadowcopy
  • Disk and Volume level flags can be set or reset even if the disk has multiple partitions.

To enable any of these options, use two separate SetNimVolume commands.

Syntax Variants

Using the -SerialNumber option

Set-NimVolume [-SerialNumber] <String> [-ReadOnly <Nullable`1[Boolean]>] [-ShadowCopy <Nullable`1[Boolean]>] [-Hidden <Nullable`1[Boolean]>] [-NoDefaultDriveLetter <Nullable`1[Boolean]>] [-Online <Nullable`1[Boolean]>] [-ResetSnapShotInfo [<SwitchParameter>]] [-AssignDriveLetter [<SwitchParameter>]] [-AccessPath [<String>]] [<CommonParameters>]


PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-NimVolume -SerialNumber 215cf5c23eef6c326c9ce900f04e499e -Online $true -ReadOnly $false -Hidden $false -ShadowCopy $false

Using the -DiskID option

Set-NimVolume [-DiskID] <Nullable`1[UInt16]> [-ReadOnly <Nullable`1[Boolean]>] [-ShadowCopy <Nullable`1[Boolean]>] [-Hidden <Nullable`1[Boolean]>] [-NoDefaultDriveLetter <Nullable`1[Boolean]>] [-Online <Nullable`1[Boolean]>] [-ResetSnapShotInfo [<SwitchParameter>]] [-AssignDriveLetter [<SwitchParameter>]] [-AccessPath [<String>]] [<CommonParameters>]


PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-NimVolume -DiskID 3 -Online $true -ReadOnly $false -Hidden $false -ShadowCopy $false

Piping the Get-NimVolume and Set-NimVolume Cmdlets

Use piping to easily get a disk ID or serial number using the Get-NimVolume cmdlet and immediately pass that information to the Set-NimVolume cmdlet.


PS C:\Users\Administrator> Get-NimVolume | where NimbleVolumeName -Like *clone* | Set-NimVolume -Online $true -ReadOnly $false -Hidden $false -ShadowCopy $false