Mount a VSS Snapshot or Volume to a Standalone Host

If you have a VSS Services snapshot or a volume that was cloned, promoted, or restored from a VSS snapshot, you can mount it to a standalone host.

  1. (Optional) If you want to mount a snapshot or volume to a standalone host, assign a new ACL to the snapshot or volume to unmask it.
  2. For iSCSI arrays, use the connection manager to connect the volume to the host.
    NOTE: Explicitly connecting to volumes is not required for Fibre Channel arrays. The volume will appear automatically. If it does not, rescan the disks using Disk Management.
  3. Type the following PowerShell cmdlet to clear the flags and attributes set during VSS snapshot process:

    Example using a serial number:

    PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-NimVolume -SerialNumber 215cf5c23eef6c326c9ce900f04e499e -Online $true -ReadOnly $false -Hidden $false -ShadowCopy $false

    Example using a disk ID:

    PS C:\Users\Administrator> Set-NimVolume -DiskID 3 -Online $true -ReadOnly $false -Hidden $false -ShadowCopy $false

    NOTE: Explicitly connecting to volumes is not required for Fibre Channel arrays. The volume will appear automatically. If it does not, rescan the disks using Disk Management.
    The flags and attributes are reset on the volume, and the volume becomes visible to the host.