Provide Credentials for Arrays

To use the toolkit snapshot and clone operations, the arrays must have the username/password credentials used by the arrays. If you did not provide the credentials for array volumes that are being used on the host during the toolkit installation, you must supply them later. Otherwise all application-synchronized snapshot creation operations will fail.
NOTE: While the regular HPE Storage Toolkit for Windows installation requires that you provide the credentials, the silent installation does not.

You can use the PowerShell cmdlet Set-Configuration to supply the credentials.

IMPORTANT: If two users are providing array credentials for the same array, make sure that each user has a permission level of Power User. Otherwise the snapshot operation might fail.
  1. Perform one of the following tasks to use the PowerShell cmdlets:
    • Launch the cmdlets using the shortcut created by the toolkit installer. You must be logged on with elevated privileges (Run As Administrator) when using cmdlets.
    • Open a PowerShell window.
  2. Enter the cmdlet Set-Configuration.
    For details on using this cmdlet, see Set-Configuration.