Find all Volumes Associated with a CHAP Account Using the Array GUI

Steps 1 and 2 apply to both Volume Scoped Targets (VST) and Group Scoped Targets (GST). Steps 3 through 6 apply only to VST.
  1. Choose ManageData Access.
  2. Click CHAP ACCOUNTS in the left panel.
  3. Find a CHAP account in the list, then click the numeric value that displays the number of volumes associated with the CHAP account, for example, Volumes 2.
  4. Click the VOLUMES tab to navigate to the DATA STORAGE page.
    The list of volumes associated with the CHAP account is displayed.
  5. Click a volume name in the list to view the volume details.
  6. Click the DATA ACCESS tab, then click the ACCESS button.

    The list of ACLs for the selected volume are displayed.

    NOTE: If the CHAP user name has Unrestricted Access, that volume does not have CHAP authentication.