REST API Reference Version

PowerShell as the REST API Client

Use the following script to test communication to the array using the PowerShell as the Windows-based REST API client:

# Enable HTTPS

[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::ServerCertificateValidationCallback = {$true}

# Get Token

$array = ""
$username = "MyUsername"
$password = "MyPassword"

$data = @{
    username = $username
    password = $password

$body = convertto-json (@{ data = $data })

$uri = "https://" + $array + ":5392/v1/tokens"
$token = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Body $body
$token = $

# Print Results


Expected output is a session token, similar to :7f39888e5b9ba094f4f3103fb3f923b2
Note: Your token value will be different than the one shown for this example.