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Add Synchronous Replication

You can add set up synchronous replication between the Group Leader and the Backup Group Leader after the arrays are online and in-sync.

When synchronous replication is removed, the replication partner is disassociated from the volume collection and no longer shows up with an upstream or downstream label. You can now modify the volume collection and configure synchronous replication once the arrays are back in-sync.


  1. Make sure the arrays are in-sync. If you go to the NimbleOS GUI Hardware tab, you should see both arrays listed. If there is a red asterisk next to an array, that array is out of sync.

    You can now modify the volume collection and configure synchronous replication.

  2. To reconfigure synchronous replication for the upstream partner, select the checkbox next to the volume collection and choose the ellipsis (…).
  3. Select the option Set Offline.
  4. Select Manage > Data Protection > Volume Collections .
  5. Remove the upstream partner from the volume collection by choosing the volume collection and selecting the Edit icon (pencil).
  6. Select Next to go to the Volumes page.
  7. Locate the upstream volume in the Selected list and highlight it.
  8. Select the Remove button to move the upstream volume to the Available side.
  9. Select Save.
  10. Set up synchronous replication between the two replication partners by choosing Manage > Data Protection > Volume Collections .
  11. Select the checkbox next to the volume collection and choose the Edit icon (pencil).
  12. From the Replication Partner dropdown list, choose the downstream replication partner.
  13. Set the protection schedule. You can set it to match the previous schedule, or you can create new schedules.
  14. Select Next.
  15. Locate the replication partner in the Available list and select Add to move it to the Selected list.
  16. Select Save.
  17. Confirm that the replication partners are in-sync by choosing Manage > Data Protection > Volume Collections and checking the value listed for the Remote Recovery Point. It should be Now.

What to do next

You should perform a handover operation to return the original replication direction. When you perform the handover, you restore the original group leader and make the other partner the backup group leader again. For information about handovers, see Handover Overview. For information about performing a handover, see Perform a Volume Collection Handover .