NimbleOS HelpSearch

Create a Volume Collection

Create as many volume collections as needed.

Note: If you have created a custom agent, specify generic for --app_sync when creating a volume collection.


  1. Create a volume collection.
    volcoll --create name [--prottmpl name] [--description text] [--app_sync {none | vss | vmware | generic}] [--app_server server] [--app_id {exchange | sql2005 | sql2008 | sql2012 | exchange_dag | sql2014 | sql2016 | hyperv}] [--app_cluster_name cluster name] [--app_service_name service name] [--vcenter_hostname server] [--vcenter_username username] [--vcenter_password password] [--replication_type periodic_snapshot | synchronous] [--agent_hostname server] [--agent_username user_name] [--agent_password password

    You can also create a volume collection from a protection template:

    volcoll--create name --prottmpl name
  2. (Optional) Create a replication schedule for the volume collection.
    volcoll --addsched name --schedule name
  3. (Optional) Create a snapshot for the volume collection.
    volcoll --snap name --snapcoll_name name


Creating a volume collection:

Nimble OS $ volcoll --create VolColA 

Creating a volume collection, giving it a description, and assigning a protection template:

Nimble OS $ volcoll --create VolColA --description CollectionA --prottmpl ProtectA 

Creating a volume collection, specifying the application-specific synchronization required, naming the host server, and identifying the application running on the server:

Nimble OS $ volcoll --create VolColA --description CollectionA --app_server Host1 --app_sync vss --app_id exchange

Creating a volume collection, and specifying a Windows application cluster and service name:

Nimble OS $ volcoll --create VolColA --description CollectionA --app_server Host1 --app_id exchange app_cluster Cluster1 
--app_service_name Mail

Creating a volume collection, and setting a VMware vCenter host name, user name, and password:

Nimble OS $ volcoll --create VolColA --description CollectionA --vcenter_hostname Host2 --vcenter_username James
--vcenter_password Password

Creating a volume collection replication schedule:

Nimble OS $ volcoll --addsched Replication1 --schedule Schedule1

Creating a volume collection snapshot:

Nimble OS $ volcoll --snap Snapshot1 --snapcoll_name Snapcoll1

Creating a volume collection with --app_sync type generic:

Nimble OS $ volcoll --create gen-sync-test-vc1 --app_sync generic --agent_hostname --agent_username
Administrator --agent_password Nim123#

Creating a volume collection with --app_id hyperv:

Nimble OS $ volcoll --create MyVolColl --app_sync vss --app_server --app_id hyperv