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Pin and Unpin a Volume

You can pin a volume to cache as part of the volume creation process, or you can pin an existing volume in the Data Storage page.


If you enable deduplication when creating a new volume, or if an existing volume had deduplication enabled, you cannot enable volume caching (pinning) for the volume.

Before you pin a volume, the performance policy associated with that volume must have caching enabled.


  1. Go to Manage > Data Storage .
  2. Check the name of the volume you want to pin or unpin.
  3. Click the pencil icon to edit the volume. The Edit Volume dialog opens.
  4. On the Edit Volume page, click Performance on the progress bar.
  5. Perform one of the following two actions:
    • To pin a volume, select Pinned in the Caching pane.
    • To unpin a volume, select Normal (default).
  6. Click Save. If you tried to pin a volume and the volume can be pinned, you will see additional capacity information for that volume. If the volume cannot be pinned, you may see a "not enough cache in the pool" message. For more information, see Unable to Pin a Volume.