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Configuring Synchronous Replication on a Volume Collection

You can configure synchronous replication for the volume collection. A volume collection includes a set of protection schedules for creating snapshots of each associated volume at set intervals. The protection schedule specifies the downstream partner where the volume and snapshot data is replicated.

  • All upstream volumes in a synchronously replicated volume collection must belong to the same pool.
  • Two different volumes with the same name in the downstream pool are not supported.
  • All synchronous replication schedules must use the same downstream pool partner.
Important: If you add a volume to a synchronously replicated volume collection, all the volumes that are configured for synchronous replication will go out-of-sync until the newly added volume is in-sync.
You must create a snapshot schedule and configure the schedule with a replication partner. Creating a snapshot schedule and a replication partner allows you to perform a roll back operation, if necessary, or create clones from the snapshots.
Important: You must set up the schedule so that at least one replicated snapshot is taken every four hours. If you specify a longer time interval, you will get an alert notifying you that the schedule does not meet time recommendations for snapshots.

For a new synchronous replication configuration, downstream volumes are automatically created. If any downstream volumes exist from previous synchronous replication, they are re-used. The downstream volume inherits the state of the existing upstream volume (either online or offline).

After you configure synchronous replication for a volume collection, the following actions take place:
  • A downstream volume is created in the pool partner that has the same name and is automatically added to the volume collection.
  • The volumes in the downstream volume collection inherit the serial number and the existing ACLs from the upstream volumes.
  • The volumes in the downstream volume collection are brought online to export the iSCSI standby paths.

For detailed instructions for creating a volume collection and configuring synchronous replication on a volume collection, see Create a Volume Collection.