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Protection Templates

Protection templates are sets of defined schedules and retention limits that you use to pre-fill the protection information when creating volume collections and standalone volumes. As a result, protection templates not only minimize repetitive entry of schedules, they also minimize errors and inconsistent setups by allowing the creation and management of a finite set of protection templates to meet all business needs.

Note: You cannot define protection templates with synchronous replication settings.

After you create a volume collection, schedules and synchronization settings can be changed on the collection. This makes using the protection templates an easy, fast way to create multiple volume collections that share similar schedules: Use the same protection template to create as many volume collections as you want, then modify the volume collections with the changes specific to the needs of each collection. This means that you can create volume collections that are grouped as logical restoration groups.

You can create as many volume collections from the same protection template as desired. Later changes to the volume collection will not affect the template. Likewise, changes to the protection template do not affect previously created volume collections.

Note: You cannot edit or delete the predefined protection templates provided by Nimble Storage; however, you can create new protection templates as needed.
Important: When setting up protection schedule for a protection template, be sure that you allow sufficient time for one schedule to complete before another one starts. For example, if Exchange protection schedule 1 has DB verification and replication enabled and runs every hour, and Exchange protection schedule 2 has DB verification turned off and no replication and runs every five minutes, there might not be enough time between schedule 2 snapshots for schedule 1 to start.