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Managed Snapshots

Managed snapshots and snapshot collections are objects that are managed by the system and that are associated with a defined protection schedule. These snapshots are typically created in the following scenarios:
  • A user performs an action on the snapshot using the NimbleOS CLI or GUI. These snapshots are considered manual snapshots.
  • Third party software performs an action on a snapshot through the REST API. These snapshots are considered manual, externally triggered snapshots.
  • The Nimble Storage array acts on the snapshot in response to a user action, such as a volume restore, resize, promote, or demote. These snapshots are considered manual snapshots.
  • An agent, such as VMware or VVOL, acts on the snapshot. These snapshots are considered externally triggered snapshots.
  • A snapshot is taken via the volume collection per the assigned schedule. These snapshots are considered managed snapshots and are deleted in accordance with the protection schedule associated with the volume collection.
  • A snapshot is triggered by a handover action. These snapshots are considered manual snapshots though they are managed by the retention schedule and require no user action.