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Install and Configure the Witness on a Linux server

Before you begin

Download the Witness software from InfoSight.
Note: Installing the Witness on a Linux server is just one option for enabling ASO. If you prefer not to maintain a separate Linux Server, you can elect to run the Witness in a virtual machine.

To install an configure the Witness on a Linux server, complete the the following steps:


  1. Install the Witness software on a CentOS V7.7.x server.
    yum -y install /root/<nimble-witness-software>.rpm
    A service called nimble-witnessd.service is created.
  2. Enable the Witness process to automatically start when the system boots.
    systemctl enable nimble-witnessd.service
  3. Start the Witness process.
    systemctl start nimble-witnessd.service
  4. Display the status of the Witness process.
    systemctl status nimble-witnessd.service
    A a message appears stating that the Witness is enabled. The port number that the process is running on is also displayed, which you may need to configure your firewall.
  5. Create a user and password for the Witness.
    useradd <witness_user_name>
    passwd <witness_password>
    The Witness is now configured. You can now set up and enable the Witness.