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Protect a Standalone Volume

Some volumes may not need to be part of a volume collection. You can associate standalone volumes with volume collections to define their snapshot and replication schedules. The volume collection associated with a standalone volume cannot contain any other volumes.


  1. Choose Manage > Data Storage > Volumes .
  2. Choose one of the following options:
    Option Description
    To create a new volume: Click the + icon.

    Add all the necessary information in the dialog box. Click More Options. Click Protection on the progress bar, choose Protect as standalone volume and then continue with the steps in Create a Volume.

    To edit an existing volume: Click the volume name and then click Edit. On the Protection page, choose Protect as standalone volume.
  3. Click Create to create the new volume or Save to save the changes to an existing volume.


To remove a stand-alone volume collection or to remove protection from a volume in a stand-alone volume collection, you can edit the volume and mark it as “Unprotected.” Then the volume can be added to a volume collection that contains volumes that are not stand-alone.