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Configure Email Alerts

You can configure email alerts to use regular or secure Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) processing, depending on which mode is appropriate for your environment.

You might choose to use regular SMTP for email alerts if you have an SMTP server installed on your network that accepts email messages from external parties. You might choose to use secure SMTP if you have an SMTP server installed on your network, but prefer to disallow anonymous relays, or if you do not have an internal email server because you implemented cloud-based email, such as Office 365.

You can configure email alerts differently for each Nimble Storage group of arrays. You must have at least Power User permission to configure SMTP-based email alerts.


  1. Go to Administration > Alerts and Monitoring > Email.
  2. For both regular and secure SMTP, specify values for the fields that are enabled by default.
    Option Description
    'Send From' Address Specify the email address used by the group to send email alerts. It does not have to be a valid email address, but it must have a valid email address format. Include the group name for easy identification and filtering.
    'Send To' Addresses Specify the email address of one or more administrators who should receive email alerts from the Nimble Storage group of arrays. These addresses do have to be real email addresses. You do not need to specify an email address for the Nimble Storage Support team when you enable sending event data to Nimble Storage Support.
    Send event data to Nimble Storage Support Retain or disable automatically sending event data to the Nimble Storage Support team. Event data includes the alerts sent to the specified 'Send To' email addresses.
    Note: SMTP is used as a backup for the default HTTP transport mode for event data.
    Hostname or IP Address Specify the hostname or IP address of an SMTP server that the group uses to send email alerts and event data.
    SMTP Port Specify the SMTP port number to use. Default: 25.
  3. For Authentication, select the default value of No for regular SMTP or select Yes for secure SMTP.
  4. For secure SMTP only, specify values for the fields that are enabled after you select Yes for the Authentication option.
    Option Description
    Username Specify the username for the SMTP account. The Username value must start with an alphabetic character and can be up to 64 alphanumeric characters. The following special characters are also valid, as long as a dot (period) is not the last character: + (plus sign) - (hyphen or dash) _ (underscore) . (period)
    Password Specify the password for the SMTP account. The Password value can be up to 255 printable characters. The password is not hashed.
    Encryption Retain the default of None or select the encryption type. Selecting any type other than None requires using username and password authentication.
    • None means that email alerts are unencrypted.
    • STARTTLS means that secure SMTP over transport layer security (TLS) is used.

      The STARTTLS encryption option can be an appropriate choice if you implemented cloud-based email.

    • SSL/TLS means that secure sockets layer (SSL) with transport layer security (TLS) is used. The SSL version is not subject to CVE-2014-3566, the POODLE vulnerability in SSLv3.

      The SSL/TLS encryption option can be an appropriate choice if you have a secure SMTP server installed on your network.

  5. Click Save to save the configuration.
  6. (Optional) Click Test to send a test message to verify the configuration and then click OK to acknowledge the successful message.