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Configure Firewall Ports

Use this information to configure local ports for incoming and outgoing HTTP, HTTPS, iSCSI, SCP, SNMP, SSH, TCP, and other data and management protocols.

Group Egress Ports – Nimble External Port
Port Number Service Protocol Destination DNS/IP
443 TCP DNA, heartbeat HTTPS
443 TCP Storage array alerts * HTTPS
443 TCP Storage array statistics HTTPS
443 TCP Software downloads HTTPS
2222 TCP Secure tunnel SSH
4311 TCP Nimble Protection Manager SOAP/HTTP application server IP **
8443 TCP vCenter VASA/VVol integration HTTPS Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses

* An array sends DNA messages using HTTPS POST back to Nimble Storage Support, if it is enabled. If three HTTPS POST attempts are made and they all fail, these notifications will revert to email relay.

** If the application server connecting with these ports on a Nimble array is on the same side of the firewall as the array, you do not need to open these ports in the firewall.

Note: The array may initiate connections to these external addresses from the Management IP or any controller support IP address.
Note: When configuring firewall rules for the destinations listed above, it is recommended that you specify the destination by host name rather than by IP address, and allow DNS to resolve the IP address. In the event that there is a change in the publicly available IP address for one of these destinations, the change will be communicated by a notification on the InfoSight portal. Other methods of sending notifications of such changes may be chosen as needed.
Intra-group Ports – TCP Ports Needed Between Arrays in a Group
Port Number Service Protocol IP Address
4211 TCP Array setup (incoming) and management (intra-group) SOAP/HTTP Data IP(s)
4212 TCP Group controller management HTTP Data IP(s)
4241 TCP Group controller management DTS Data IP(s)
5432 TCP Group configuration synchronization DTS Data IP(s)
5521 TCP Group data services DTS Data IP(s)
5706 TCP Group event reporting SOAP/HTTP Data IP(s)
6716 TCP DSD miscellaneous management SOAP/HTTP Data IP(s)
6717 TCP GMD array management (GAI) SOAP/HTTP Data IP(s)
6718 TCP Group controller management DTS Data IP(s)
6719 TCP Data forwarding DTS Data IP(s)
6720 TCP Bin migration DTS Data IP(s)
6721 TCP Bin map management – DSD DTS Data IP(s)
6722 TCP iSCSI DTS Data IP(s)
6723 TCP Bin map management - GDD DTS Data IP(s)
6724 TCP iSCSI DTS Data IP(s)
6725 TCP DSD volume management SOAP/HTTP Data IP(s)
6726 TCP SCSI DTS Data IP(s)
6727 TCP SCSI DTS Data IP(s)
6728 TCP Key Protocol DTS Data IP(s)
6729 TCP LU cache (DSD-GDD) DTS Data IP(s)
6730 TCP Key Protocol DTS Data IP(s)
6731 TCP LU cache (DSD-DSD) DTS Data IP(s)
Note: If the arrays within the group are on the same side of the firewall, you do not need to open these ports in the firewall.
Inter-group Ports – TCP Ports Needed Between Replication Partners
Port Number Service Protocol IP Address
4213 TCP Replication control

(exchange of replication configuration information between groups)

SOAP/HTTP Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses of all replication partners and group members
4214 TCP Replication data

(transfer of replicated data)

Note: Use either:
1 — All IP addresses in the management subnet of all replication partners and group members


2 — All data IP addresses in the chosen data subnet of all replication partners and group members *

5391 TCP

Secure web-service communications

Exchange of SSL keys for encrypted volumes

SOAP/HTTPS Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses
* Assumes that all replication partners were chosen to perform replication transfer over the data subnet.

There are two options for replication:

  1. Replication transfer and replication over the Management subnet.
  2. Replication transfer over data subnet specified during replication partner configuration. Replication control is still transferred over the management subnet per table.
Note: If the arrays in the two groups are on the same side of the firewall, you do not need to open these ports in the firewall.
Group Ingress Ports – Nimble External Ports
Port Number Service Protocol IP Address
22 TCP Group management (CLI) SSH Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses
161 UDP SNMP get SNMP Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses
redirect 80 TCP to 443 TCP Group management (GUI), redirects to 443 TCP HTTP Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses
443 TCP / 5392 TCP Group management (GUI) HTTPS Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses
3260 TCP SNMP statistics iSCSI Data IP(s) and discovery IP(s)
4210 TCP Group management

(GUI charts and NPM)

SOAP/HTTP Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses
4211 TCP Array setup (incoming) and management (intra-group) SOAP/HTTP Data IP(s)
5988 TCP CIM server ** HTTP Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses
5989 TCP CIM server HTTPS/CIM-XML Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses
5390 TCP Secure web-service communications SOAP/HTTPS Data IP(s)
5391 TCP * Third-party agents and utilities SOAP/HTTPS Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses *
5392 TCP * Group management, third-party agents and utilities Nimble REST API Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses *
8443 TCP vCenter VASA/VVol integration HTTPS Management IP address and both diagnostic IP addresses

* Some third-party utilities may use both TCP port 5391 and TCP port 5392. Refer to the relevant integration guides available on InfoSight, or from the third-party software vendor for more information.

** Fibre Channel arrays do not use the CIM server (cimserver) service, so port 5989 does not need to be open on them.

Note: If the client and the Nimble arrays within the group are on the same side of the firewall, you do not need to open these ports in the firewall.
Group Egress Ports – Other External Ports
Port Number Service Protocol Destination DNS/IP

25 * UDP &

25 * TCP


53 / UDP &

53 TCP

123 / UDP NTP NTP NTP server IP
162 * / UDP SNMP trap SNMP SNMP trap listener
514 UDP Syslogd UDP Syslog server IP
4311 TCP Microsoft VSS VSS Application server IP
Configurable TCP HTTP HTTP HTTP proxy server IP

53 TCP/UDP **

88 TCP/UDP **

123 UDP ***




Active Directory Authentication




All Active Directory domain controllers

* Default, but can be changed.

** DNS services should be provided by the domain controller, or by an alternative with the appropriate zones and AD records.

*** Array should be configured to use the Active Directory server as the NTP server, or the array and domain controllers should be configured to use the same NTP server. Array clock must remain within 5 minutes of the domain controller clock, or domain authentication will fail.

Note: If the service is on the same side of the firewall as the array, you do not need to open these ports in the firewall.