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Configure Bandwidth Limitations for a Replication Partner

Bandwidth limits are expressed in megabits per second (Mbps) or kilobits per second (Kbps). The default unit is Mbps.
Note: If you set per-partner bandwidth throttling, you cannot set an overall bandwidth limit for all replications. You can limit bandwidth by using an overall policy or per-partner limits, not both.


  1. Select Manage > Data Protection > Replication Partners.
  2. Check the replication partner whose bandwidth you want to define.
  3. Click the pencil icon to edit the replication partner.
  4. In the Edit replication partner dialog box, click Next to open the QoS Policy page. Further policies must be set to use less bandwidth than the limit that is set here.
  5. To add per-partner throttling, click Add Policy and complete the following fields.
    1. Type a description of the per-partner limit.
    2. Set the bandwidth limit.
    3. Set the time period during which this limit should be in effect.
    4. Select the days of the week during which this limit should be in effect.
    5. Optional. Click Add Policy to create as many bandwidth limitation schedules as needed for different time periods, days of the week, or both.
  6. Click Save.