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Configure VLAN Tagging

Before you begin

You must already have VLANs created on your network.

To enable VLAN tagging, first be sure a subnet has been created with a valid VLAN ID. (Subnets without a VLAN ID can only accept untagged traffic.) Then, assign network interfaces on an array to this subnet, and specify the interfaces as tagged. For more information on how to do this, see Configure a Subnet.

The procedure below describes how to configure an existing subnet from the Subnets tab. You can also perform the same subnet configuration from an interface-centric view using the Interfaces tab.

Note: Do not use the same network for both back-end and front-end traffic. Heavy usage on one side will cause latency or congestion issues on the other side, and there will be a cascading impact to the overall environment.


  1. Go to Administration > Network .
  2. Click Configure Active Settings, and then click the Subnets tab.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Select a subnet to configure.
    • If no subnets are listed, create one by clicking Add and filling out the fields at the top of the screen.
    • If subnets are listed, check the subnet you want to configure and then click Edit.
  5. In the Edit section, assign a valid VLAN ID to the subnet. If a valid VLAN ID is already assigned to this subnet, you can skip this step.
  6. In the Assign interfaces to this subnet section, click on the interfaces to assign them to the subnet for the specified VLAN. The interfaces you select are listed as Tagged in the Interface Assignment section. Note that you can still uncheck the Tagged checkbox if the interface has not been assigned to other subnets for untagged traffic.
  7. In the Interface Assignment section, review the data IP address for the interfaces you have assigned to ensure they are correct.. Review the Tagged checkboxes to ensure VLAN tagging is enabled on the appropriate interfaces.
  8. Click Done.