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Modify a Snapshot

You can modify a snapshot in the following ways: edit, delete, set online, or set offline. You can clone or restore a volume from a selected snapshot.

When snapshots are created, they are set offline. Setting a snapshot offline makes it unavailable to initiators, and closes any current connections.

Note: Snapshots that are not required to be online should be kept offline until needed.

You can change the state of one or more volume snapshots at the same time if their current states are the same.


  1. Choose Manage > Data Storage .
  2. On the Volumes tab, click the name of the volume to select it.
  3. Click the Data Protection tab, and select the snapshot or snapshots to change.
  4. You can perform the following actions: Change the state of the snapshot or snapshots.
    Option Description
    Edit the snapshot Click the pencil icon to change the snapshot name and description.
    Delete the snapshot Click the X icon.
    Restore the volume from a snapshot Click Restore and confirm your choice in the Restore Volume box.
    Clone the volume from a snapshot Enter a new volume name in the New Volume Parameters dialog box and click OK.
    Change the status of the snapshot Click the appropriate status, Set Online or Set Offline.
    The button visible depends upon the current state of the snapshot or snapshots.
    • If snapshots are online, click Set Offline.
    • If snapshots are offline, click Set Online.