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Add a User Account

Before you begin

You must have Administrator permission to add user accounts.

Each person must have a user account to access and manage a Nimble array group. The Administrator controls a user's access to the group by assigning a specific role to each user.

At a minimum, each user account must have a:
  • username
  • full name
  • role
  • inactivity timeout interval
Optional. A user account can also have a:
  • description
  • email address

You can include these options when you create the user account or you can add them later.

Note: In the GUI, the inactivity timeout interval set for the group is automatically applied to all user accounts. To set a shorter interval for a user, edit the user account.

You can set the timeout to a limit lower than the group timeout but not higher than the group timeout limit.


  1. Select Administration > Security > Users and Groups .
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Full Name field, enter the user's full name. The full name must be alphanumeric, 1 to 64 characters, must start with a letter, may use dashes, spaces, and apostrophes; no periods.
  4. From the Role menu, choose a Role. Choices are: Administrator, Power User, Operator, or Guest
  5. In the Username field, type the user's full name. The username must be alphanumeric, 1 to 32 characters, must start with a letter, no spaces. The username is required for user login.
  6. (Optional) In the Email Address field, enter the user's email address.
  7. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description. The description can have from 1 to 255 characters but no hard returns.
  8. In the New Password field, enter a password. The password must be comprised of alphanumeric characters with a length of 8 to 512 characters. Do not use [ ] & ; ` or spaces. The password is required for user login.
  9. In the Confirm Password field, enter the password again.
  10. Click Save. The new user account is added to the list.