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Complete the Initial Setup Using the Nimble Setup Manager

Before you begin

The Windows host that you use to initially configure the array must be connected to the same physical subnet as the array management port and have direct (non-routed) access to the array management port.

The Windows host must have the following software installed:

Before you start, complete the Installation Checklist. You need the information from the checklist to perform the initial GUI setup.

If you have multiple unconfigured Nimble arrays and you plan to add them to the same group, configure only one array now. Later, add the remaining arrays to the group. For information about how to add an array to a group, refer to the GUI Administration Guide or the CLI Administration Guide.
Important: The default password to log into NimbleOS is admin.
Note: Subnet and VLAN configuration are separate actions. VLANs are not supported during setup.

The Nimble Setup Manager enables you to create a new group from an uninitialized array. The array is the only member of the group.

Note: A newly plugged-in array might not appear immediately on the array details page of the GUI. It might take up to five (5) minutes to update the page. Refresh the browser to see the array on the page immediately after you plug it in.
Note: The configuration options provided by the array web GUI depends on the network protocol being used. If it detects that an array is using iSCSI, it provides a set of configuration options specific to iSCSI; if it detects that Fibre Channel is being used, it provides a set of configuration options specific to Fibre Channel.


  1. In the Windows Start menu, click Nimble Storage > Nimble Setup Manager.
  2. Select one of the uninitialized arrays from the Nimble Setup Manager list and click Next.
    Note: If the array is not visible in Nimble Setup Manager, verify that the array is on the same subnet as the Windows host.
  3. In the Information dialog, click OK.
    Note: Clicking OK closes the Nimble Setup Manager, and continues the setup on the array through your web browser.
  4. You may see a warning similar to There is a problem with this website's security certificate. It is safe to ignore this warning and click Continue. If prompted, you can also download and accept the certificate. Or create your own. Refer to the cert command in the Command Reference.
    Note: If Internet Explorer 11 displays a blank page, clear the browser's cache. The page should be visible after refreshing the browser.
  5. In the Nimble Storage License Agreement, read the agreement, scroll to the bottom, check the acknowledgment box, and then click Proceed.
  6. In the Array Setup, choose the appropriate group option and click Next.
    • Set up this array but do not join a group. Continue to the next step.
    • Add this array to an existing group. Enter the IP address of the group.

      If you chose to join an existing group, your browser redirects to the login screen of the group leader array. Refer to the GUI Administration Guide or the CLI Administration Guide for steps on how to add an unconfigured array to a group, and complete the configuration.

  7. Provide or change the following initial management settings and click Finish:
    • Array name
    • Group name
    • Management IP address and subnet mask for the eth1 interface
    • Default gateway IP address
    • Domain name
    • (Optional) Administrator password
  8. After a successful setup, click Continue. Your browser automatically redirects to the Management IP address of the array.
    Note: If the array does not initialize, check the cabling to the network switch and check the subnet mask.
  9. In the login screen, type the password you set and click Log In. From this point forward, you are in the NimbleOS GUI.
  10. Provide the Subnet Configuration information for the following sections and click Next:
    1. Management IP:
      • IP address
      • Network
      • Subnet mask
      Note: The Management IP is used for the GUI, CLI, and replication. It resides on the management subnet and floats across all "Mgmt only" and "Mgmt + Data" interfaces on that subnet.
    2. Subnet:
      • Subnet label
      • Network
      • Netmask
      • Traffic Type - Mgmt only or Mgmt + Data
      • Traffic Assignment - available selections vary based on whether this is an iSCSI or Fibre Channel array, and the tooltip explains the selections
      • Discovery IP
      • IP Address Zone - Single, Bisect, or Even/Odd
      • Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) – Standard, Jumbo, or Custom
      • Frame size in bytes – User specified value
        Ensure that your network switches support the selected frame size.
        Note: If Jumbo frames are selected, ensure that they are configured end to end. To confirm that Jumbo frames are supported, perform an end-to-end ping with the jumbo frame size and without fragmentation; for example: ping <hostname> -f -l 8972

        The data port IP addresses are assigned to interface pairs, such as eth5 on controller A and eth5 on controller B. If one controller fails, the corresponding port on the remaining controller still has data access. At least one interface pair must be configured. However, a minimum of two is recommended.

      Note: To add a data subnet, click Add Data Subnet, provide the required information and click OK.
  11. Provide Interface Assignment information for the following sections and click Next:
    1. Interface Assignment: For each IP interface, assign it a subnet and a Data IP address within the specified network. For inactive interfaces, assign the "None" subnet.
    2. FC Interface (Fibre Channel arrays only): This section displays the link status for all Fibre Channel ports. No configuration is required.
    3. Diagnostic IP:
      • Controller A diagnostic IP address within the specified network
      • Controller B diagnostic IP address within the specified network
  12. Provide the following Domain information and click Next:
    1. Domain Name
    2. DNS Servers Type the hostname or IP address of your DNS server. You can list up to five DNS servers.
  13. Provide the following Time information and click Next:
    1. Time (NTP) Server Type the hostname or IP address of your NTP server.
    2. Time Zone Choose the time zone the array is located in.
  14. Provide Support information for the following sections and click Finish.
    1. Email Alerts
      • From Address

        This is the email address used by the array when sending email alerts. It does not need to be a real email address, but it must be in the proper address format. Include the group or array name for easy identification.

      • Send to Addresses

        Nimble recommends that you check the Send event data to Nimble Storage Support check box.

      • Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server hostname or IP address
    2. Diagnostic Analysis Checking the Send Diagnostic Analysis data to Nimble Storage Support check box enables Nimble Storage Support to monitor your array, notify you of problems, and provide solutions.
    3. HTTP Proxy
      Diagnostic Analysis and software updates require an HTTPS connection to the Internet, either directly or through a proxy server. If a proxy server is required, check the Use HTTP Proxy check box and provide the following information to configure proxy server details:
      • HTTP proxy server hostname or IP address
      • HTTP proxy server port
      • Proxy server user name
      • Proxy server password
    Note: The system does not test the validity of the SMTP server connection or the email addresses that you provided.
  15. Click Finish. The Setup Complete screen appears.
  16. Click Continue. The NimbleOS home screen appears.

What to do next

Make sure that the Management IP address and the Controller Diagnostic IP addresses are added to your mail server's relay list.

Open the following ports on your firewall:
  • SSH: 2222 hogan.nimblestorage.com – For a Secure Tunnel connection to Nimble Storage Support
  • HTTPS: 443 nsdiag.nimblestorage.com – For Diagnostic Analysis and heartbeat
  • HTTPS: 443 update.nimblestorage.com – For software updates
  • HTTPS: 443 nsstats.nimblestorage.com – For relay of per-VM statistics (used in InfoSight VMvision

Next, see After Installation and Initial Setup.