CLI Commands

To see the complete list of commands for managing the Nimble Array, refer to the Command Line Reference and the man pages. In the Nimble documentation, bracketed subparameters are optional and unbracketed parameters are required.

You can also type ? at the command prompt to display a list of available commands, as shown in the following example:

Nimble OS $ ?
?                   folder              pool                timezone
alert               group               prottmpl            useradmin
array               halt                reboot              userauth
auditlog            help                route               usersession
cert                initiatorgrp        setup               vcenter
chapuser            ip                  shelf               version
ctrlr               migration           snap                vm
date                netconfig           snapcoll            vmwplugin
disk                nic                 software            vol
encryptkey          partner             sshkey              volcoll
failover            pe                  stats
fc                  perfpolicy          subnet

Type man or help for a command to see details for that command. For example, typing man snap shows you all the suboptions and variables for the snap command. Typing snap --help displays a less detailed list of all options.