Change iSCSI Volume Scope from GST to VST

Before changing the iSCSI target scope from Group Scope Target (GST) to Volume Scope Target (VST), you must quiesce any applications on the host that access the volume.

  1. Remove ACL records from the volume.
    vol --removeacl [vol_name]

    Repeat for each ACL associated with the volume.

  2. Change the volume scope from GST to VST.
    vol --edit [vol_name] --iscsi_target_scope [volume]
  3. Add ACLs to the volume.
    vol --addacl [vol_name]

    Repeat for each ACL that needs to be associated with the volume.

  4. (Optional) Configure CHAP access authentication to the volume.
    See Create a CHAP Account and Assign a CHAP User to a Volume to create a CHAP account and assign the CHAP user to the volume.
  5. From the host, perform a target rescan to allow the host to discover the volume.