Add an Initiator Group ACL to a Volume

  1. Add an initiator group access control list (ACL) to a volume.
    vol --addacl vol_name [--apply_acl_to {volume | snapshot | both} ] [--initiatorgrp group_name] [--lun lun] [--pool pool_name]
    NOTE: The --pool option is required if the volume name is not unique within the group.
  2. Verify that the initiator group ACL has been added to the volume.
    initiatorgrp --info group_name
Adding an initiator group ACL to a volume.
$ vol --addacl test2 --apply_acl_to volume --initiatorgrp Datamon
$ initiatorgrp --info Datamon
Name: Datamon
Access Protocol: fc
Application identifier:
Created: Feb 10 2016 12:00:01
Last configuration change: Jan 01 2016 12:00:01
Number of Initiators: 3
        Initiator: winInit2 (12:34:56:78:90:12:34:52)
        Initiator: esxiInit22 (12:34:56:78:90:12:34:54)
        Initiator: linuxInit78 (12:34:56:78:90:12:34:56)
Number of Volumes: 2
        Volume Name: test1
                LUN: 0
        Volume Name: test2
                LUN: 1