Audit Log Messages

Table 1. Audit Active Directory
Active Directory
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
1014   Other

Join Domain {param1}

1015   Other

Leave Domain {param1}

1017   Update

Edit Domain {param1}

Table 2. Audit Alarm
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
90017   Update

Update alarm {param1}

90018   Delete

Delete alarm {param1}

90019   Update

Acknowledge alarm {param1}

90020   Update

Unacknowledge alarm {param1}

Table 3. Audit Application Server
Application Server
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
22001   Create

Create application server record with host {param1} port {param2} username {param3}

22002   Update

Update application server record with host {param1} port {param2} username {param3}

22003   Delete

Delete application server record with host {param1} port {param2} username {param3}

22004   Create

Create application server record {param1}

22005   Update

Update application server record {param1}

22006   Delete

Delete application server record {param1}

Table 4. Audit Array
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
14001   Update

Add array {param1} to the current group

14002   Update

Remove array {param1} from the current group

14003   Update

Update array {param1}

14004   Update

Resetup the current group");

14005   Update

Complete setup on group {param1}

90006   Other

Halt array {param1}

90007   Other

Halt controller {param1} on array {param2}

90009   Other

Reboot array {param1}

90010   Other

Reboot controller {param1} on array {param2}

90012   Other

Failover array {param1}

Table 5. Audit Async Job
Async Job
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
90021   Update

Cancel job {param1}

90022   Create

Schedule background job {param1}: {param2} {param3} on {param4} objects

Table 6. Audit Chap User
Chap User
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
4010   Create

Create CHAP user {param1}

4011   Update

Update CHAP user {param1}

4012   Delete

Delete CHAP user {param1}

Table 7. Audit Disk
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
90002   Update

Add disk at slot {param1} of shelf {param2} on array {param3}

90003   Update

Remove disk from slot {param1} of shelf {param2} on array {param3}

Table 8. Audit Encrypt Key
Encrypt Key
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
18004   Create

Create master key {param1}

18005   Other

Enter passphrase for master key {param1}

18006   Update

Clear passphrase for master key {param1}

18007   Delete

Delete master key {param1}

18008   Update

Change passphrase for master key {param1}

90213   Delete

Purge inactive encryption keys.");

Table 9. Audit Audit Fibre Channel Interface
Audit Fibre Channel Interface
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
20001   Update

Update Fibre Channel interface {param1} on controller {param2} of array {param3}

20002   Update

Update Fibre Channel configuration");

20003   Update

Regenerate Fibre Channel configuration");

20004   Update

Update Fibre Channel configuration after hardware changes");

20005   Update

Bulk update Fibre Channel interface(s): {param1}

Table 10. Audit Folder
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
7001   Create

Create folder {param1}:{param2}

7002   Update

Update folder {param1}:{param2}

7003   Delete

Delete folder {param1}:{param2}

7004   Update

Associate volume {param1} with folder {param2}:{param3}

7005   Update

Dissociate volume {param1} from folder {param2}:{param3}

Table 11. Audit Folder Set
Folder Set
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
7111   Create

Create folder set {param1}

7112   Update

Update folder set {param1}

7113   Delete

Delete folder set {param1}

Table 12. Audit HC Cluster
HC Cluster
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
24001   Create

Create HC cluster configuration {param1}

24002   Update

Update HC cluster configuration {param1}

24003   Delete

Delete HC cluster configuration {param1}

Table 13. Audit Initiator
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
4015   Create

Add initiator(s) {param1} to initiator group {param2}

4016   Delete

Remove initiator {param1} from initiator group {param2}

Table 14. Audit Initiator Group
Initiator Group
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
4020   Create

Create initiator group {param1}

4021   Delete

Delete initiator group {param1}

4022   Update

Update initiator group {param1}

Table 15. Audit Initiator Group Subnet
Initiator Group Subnet
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
4017   Create

Add subnet(s) {param1} to initiator group {param2}

4018   Delete

Remove subnet {param1} from initiator group {param2}

Table 16. Audit Internal
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
1001   Other

Login attempt");

1016   Other

Elevating user privilege to {param1}

12001   Other

Cancel ongoing software download");

12002   Other

Download software update version {param1}

12003   Other

Resume software update");

12004   Other

Start software update to version {param1}

12005   Other

Start upload of software update version");

14006   Other

Clear group merge state with group {param1}

14007   Other

Validate and merge with group {param1}

14008   Update

Update group configuration");

14009   Update

Migrate management services from array {param1} to array {param2}

90001   Update

Update name for {param1} {param2} to {param3}

90005   Other

Initiate AutoSupport");

90008   Other

Halt group");

90011   Other

Reboot group");

90014   Other

Log message");

90015   Update

Update date to {param1}{param2}

90016   Read

Validate AutoSupport");

90210   Update

Set Volume Dedupe for {param1} to {param2}

Table 17. Audit IP
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
16005   Update

Add IP address {param1} in network configuration {param2}

16006   Update

Delete IP address {param1} from network configuration {param2}

16007   Update

Update IP address {param1} in network configuration {param2}

Table 18. Audit Net Config
Net Config
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
16001   Other

Activate network configuration {param1}

16002   Update

Update network configuration {param1}

16003   Delete

Delete network configuration {param1}

16004   Other

Validate network configuration {param1}

16016   Update

Update iSCSI Connection Method in network configuration {param1}

Table 19. Audit NIC
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
16014   Update

Assign NIC port {param1} of array {param2} to subnet {param3} in network configuration {param4}

16015   Update

Unassign NIC port {param1} of array {param2} from subnet {param3} in network configuration {param4}

Table 20. Audit Partner
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
10001   Create

Create partner {param1}

10002   Other

Resume partner {param1}

10010   Update

Update partner {param1}

10011   Delete

Delete partner {param1}

10012   Other

Pause partner {param1}

Table 21. Audit Audit Protocol Endpoint
Audit Protocol Endpoint
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
7106   Create

Create protocol endpoint {param1}

7107   Update

Update protocol endpoint {param1}

7108   Delete

Delete protocol endpoint {param1}

Table 22. Audit Audit Performance Policy
Audit Performance Policy
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
2004   Create

Create performance policy {param1}

2005   Update

Update performance policy {param1}

2006   Delete

Delete performance policy {param1}

Table 23. Audit Pool
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
6001   Create

Create pool {param1}

6002   Update

Update pool {param1}

6003   Delete

Delete pool {param1}

6004   Other

Merge pool {param1} into pool {param2}

6007   Other

Assign array {param1} to pool {param2}

6008   Other

Unassign array {param1} to pool {param2}

Table 24. Audit Audit Protection Policy
Audit Protection Policy
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
8001   Create

Create volume collection {param1}

8002   Update

Update volume collection {param1}

8004   Delete

Delete volume collection {param1}

10006   Other

Hand over volume collection {param1} to partner {param2}

10007   Other

Cancel handing over volume collection {param1}

10008   Other

Demote volume collection {param1} giving ownership to partner {param2}

10009   Other

Promote volume collection {param1}

10013   Other

Validate volume collection {param1}

Table 25. Audit Audit Protection Schedule
Audit Protection Schedule
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
8005   Create

Create protection schedule {param1} for volume collection {param2}

8006   Update

Update protection schedule {param1} for volume collection {param2}

8008   Delete

Delete protection schedule {param1} for volume collection {param2}

8012   Create

Create protection schedule {param1} for protection template {param2}

8013   Update

Update protection schedule {param1} for protection template {param2}

8014   Delete

Delete protection schedule {param1} for protection template {param2}

Table 26. Audit Audit Protection Template
Audit Protection Template
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
8009   Create

Create protection template {param1}

8010   Update

Update protection template {param1}

8011   Delete

Delete protection template {param1}

Table 27. Audit Replication Throttle
Replication Throttle
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
10003   Create

Create bandwidth throttle for replication partner {param1}

10004   Update

Update bandwidth throttle ID {param1} for replication partner {param2}

10005   Delete

Delete bandwidth throttle ID {param1} for replication partner {param2}

Table 28. Audit Route
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
16008   Create

Add route {param1} in network configuration {param2}

16009   Delete

Delete route {param1} from network configuration {param2}

16010   Update

Update route {param1} in network configuration {param2}

Table 29. Audit Session
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
1009   Other

Kill session");

Table 30. Audit Shelf
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
90004   Update

Add shelf {param1} on array {param2}

Table 31. Audit Snap
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
4004   Update

Online snapshot {param1} of volume {param2}

4005   Update

Offline snapshot {param1} of volume {param2}

8017   Create

Create snapshot {param1} of volume {param2}

8018   Create

Create snapshot colletion {param1} of volumes {param2}

8019   Update

Update snapshot {param1} of volume {param2}

8020   Delete

Delete snapshot {param1} of volume {param2}

10015   Delete

Delete replica snapshot {param1} on downstream partner {param2}

10017   Delete

Delete replica snapshot {param1} on volume {param2} for upstream partner {param3}

Table 32. Audit Snap Col
Snap Col
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
8021   Create

Create snapshot collection {param1} of volume collection {param2}

8022   Update

Update snapshot collection {param1} of volume collection {param2}

8023   Delete

Delete snapshot collection {param1} of volume collection {param2}

Table 33. Audit SSH Key
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
18001   Create

Add SSH key {param1} for user {param2}

18002   Update

Update SSH key {param1}

18003   Delete

Delete SSH key {param1} for user {param2}

Table 34. Audit Subnet
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
16011   Create

Add subnet {param1} in network configuration {param2}

16012   Delete

Delete subnet {param1} from network configuration {param2}

16013   Update

Update subnet {param1} in network configuration {param2}

Table 35. Audit User
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
1002   Delete

Delete user {param1}

1003   Update

Update user {param1}

1004   Other

Disable user {param1}

1005   Other

Enable user {param1}

1006   Create

Create user {param1}

1007   Update

Change password for user {param1}

1008   Other

Logout user {param1}

1010   Other

User {param1} session timed out

90211   Update

Unlock user {param1}

Table 36. Audit User Group
User Group
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
1011   Create

Create user group {param1}

1012   Delete

Delete user group {param1}

1013   Update

Edit user group {param1}

Table 37. Audit User Policy
User Policy
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
90212   Update

Update Security Policy.");

Table 38. Audit Volume
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
2001   Create

Create volume {param1}

2002   Update

Update volume {param1}

2003   Delete

Delete volume {param1}

2007   Create

Clone volume {param1} from volume {param2} snapshot {param3}

2008   Other

Restore volume {param1} from snapshot {param2}

2009   Create

Create volume {param1} in folder {param2}

2010   Create

Create volume {param1} in pool {param2}

2011   Create

Create volume {param1} in pool {param2} and folder {param3}

2012   Update

Update volume {param1} in pool {param2}

2013   Delete

Delete volume {param1} in pool {param2}

4001   Update

Online volume {param1}

4002   Update

Offline volume {param1}

4003   Update

Online volumes {param1}

6005   Other

Move volume {param1} to pool {param2}

6006   Other

Cancel move of volume {param1}

6009   Other

Move volume {param1} to folder {param2}:{param3}

8015   Other

Associate volume {param1} with volume collection {param2}

8016   Other

Dissociate volume {param1} from a previously associated volume collection

10014   Delete

Delete replica volume {param1} on downstream partner {param2}

10016   Delete

Delete replica volume {param1} for upstream partner {param2}

Table 39. Audit Volume ACL
Volume ACL
Object Type Operation Type Event Category Message
4013   Create

Add ACL for volume {param1}

4014   Delete

Remove ACL for volume {param1}

4023   Create

Add VMware Virtual Volume ACL for volume {param1}

4024   Delete

Remove VMware Virtual Volume ACL for volume {param1}

7109   Create

Add ACL record for protocol endpoint {param1}

7110   Delete

Remove ACL record for protocol endpoint {param1}