Add or Remove Arrays from a Storage Pool

You can modify storage pools to add or remove arrays. Only one pool can be assigned to a given array. Multiple arrays can be assigned to the same pool.

You cannot add an array to an existing pool that has synchronous replication enabled.

NOTE: A pool must always have one member array.
Exercise caution when you change a storage pool assignment because it may result in a large migration of data.
To add an array to a storage pool or remove an array from a storage pool, use the appropriate command:
  • pool --assign pool_name [--array array] [--allow_lower_limits {yes|no]


  • pool --unassign pool_name [--array array] [--force]

When assigning an array to a pool, set the --allow_lower_limits option to yes to allow the array to be assigned to the pool, but reduce the limits of the array to match those of the other arrays in the pool.

When assigning an array from a pool, use the --force option to forcibly removes the array from the pool.