Timeout Values

Timeout Values for iSCSI and FC Arrays

Various timeout values affect storage array targets from Windows hosts with and without Multipath-IO (MPIO). Refer to these recommended values for various configurations. Note that the LinkDownTime and MaxRequestHoldTime values apply to iSCSI arrays only. The HPE Storage Toolkit for Windows sets all these values.

Table 1. Timeout Values
Registry Key Meaning of Value Default Values

(in seconds)

Windows Storage Array
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\service\Disk\TimeOutValue Global disk timeout value for disk.sys. If timeout value is met, OS sends bus reset to all LUNs. 60 or 120

(OS dependent)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\ {4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} \0001 \Parameters\MaxRequestHoldTime

(See Note)

(iSCSI only)

Maximum time (in seconds) for which requests will be queued if connection to the target is lost and the connection is being retried. (Applies only to non-MPIO disks.)

60 120
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\Control\Class\ {4D36E97B-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318} \0001\Parameters\LinkDownTime

(See Note)

(iSCSI only)

Determines how long (in seconds) I/O requests will be held in the device queue for a MPIO path and retried if the connection to the target is lost.

15 30
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\services\mpio\Parameters \PDORemovePeriod Time (in seconds) that the multipath pseudo-LUN (Physical Device Object in the kernel) will continue to remain in system memory, even after losing all paths to the volume. 20 90
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\services\mpio\Parameters \UseCustomPathRecoveryInterval UseCustomPathRecoveryInterval (Boolean 1 or 0) and PathRecoveryInterval times (in seconds) can be used to perform path recovery while the PDORemovalPeriod timer counts down. 0 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\services\mpio\Parameters \PathRecoveryInterval 40 40
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\services\mpio\Parameters \RetryCount Number of times a failed I/O if DSM determines that a failing request must be retried on current path to a LUN on certain transient errors. 3 30
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\services\mpio\Parameters \RetryInterval Interval of time (in seconds) after which a failed request is retried (determined by DSM, and assumes that the I/O has been retried a fewer number of times than RetryCount). 1 1
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM \CurrentControlSet\services\msdsm\Parameters \DsmMaximumStateTransitionTime Time SCSI Reservation is retried on a failed path for specific CHECK_CONDITIONS raised by the array. 3 120
  • All values are in seconds.
  • A reboot is required after value changes.
  • The iSCSI initiator driver instance ID (for iSCSI only values) may be different than 0001.

FC HBA Timeout Values

The following values apply when configuring timeouts on FC HBA ports, depending on the type. The Emulex management tool OneCommand Manager allows you to configure timeouts on a per-port basis. Similarly, Qlogic's QconvergeConsole allows per-port configuration under PortParametersHBA Parameters/Advanced HBA Parameters. Note that reboots are required for Qlogic FC HBAs.

Table 2. FC HBA Timeout Values
Timeout Type Value Meaning of Value Default Value

(in seconds)


(in seconds)

Emulex FC HBA LinkTimeout

Time interval after which a link that is down stops issuing a BUSY status for requests and starts issuing SELECTION_TIMEOUT error status. This includes port login and discovery time.

(No reboot required.)

30 0-255

Time interval after which a prior logged-in node issues SELECTION_TIMEOUT error status to an I/O request. This causes the system to wait for a node that might re-enter the configuration soon before reporting a failure. The timer starts after port discovery is completed and the node is no longer present.

(No reboot required.)

30* 0-255
Qlogic FC HBA LinkDownTimeout

Timeout value when a link that is down stops issuing a BUSY status for requests and starts issuing SELECTION_TIMEOUT error status. This LinkDownTimeOut includes port login and discovery time

(Reboot required.)

30 0-255

Number of times the I/O request is re-sent to a port that is not responding in one second intervals. Alternately, this setting specifies the number of seconds the software waits to retry a command to a port returning port down status.

(Reboot required.)

30 0-255
NOTE: If you need to manage unused devices, you can perform a cleanup to remove them from the registry. You can also use the DevNodeClean utility from the Microsoft Download Center.
IMPORTANT: *By default, an Emulex HBA sets the NodeTimeout value to 30 seconds. In the event of a path failure, this can cause I/O to pause on the host for the assigned timeout. We recommend that you set this value to 1, which allows the host to immediately resume I/O.