Accessing the CLI

  1. Open an SSH client, such as PuTTY or OpenSSH.
  2. Enter the host name or IP address of the array.
    If you are asked to accept the authorization key, type yes.
  3. Log into the array with the username and the password you created when configuring the array.
    The connection is made and you can now run the array CLI commands. For example, typing array --list displays the name, serial, model, version, and status of the array:
    $ array --list
    c20-array2    AA-102081   CS220   3.1.988.0-354313-opt   reachable
    Typing array --info c20-array2 displays other information about the array:
    $ array --info c20-array2
    Model: CS220
    Extended Model: CS220-4G-12T-320F
    Serial: AA-102081
    Version: 3.1.988.0-354313-opt
    All-Flash: No
    Array name: c20-array2
    Supported configuration: Yes
    Link-local IP address:
    Group ID: 3815276604473015474
    Member GID: 1
    Group Management IP:
    1G/SFP NIC: 4/0
    Total array capacity (MiB): 7606708
    Total array usage (MiB): 0
    Total array cache capacity (MiB): 305276
    Volume usage (MiB): 0
    Volume compression: 1.00X
    Volume space saved (MiB): 0
    Snapshot usage (MiB): 0
    Snapshot compression: 1.00X
    Snapshot space reduction: 1.00X
    Snapshot space saved (MiB): 0
    Pending Deletes (MiB): 0
    Available space (MiB): 7606708
    Member of pool: default
    Status: reachable
    For more information about the command line interface, type man and the command of interest. For example, type man array for information about the array command. Also see the Command Reference.