Modify a Volume Collection

You can modify a volume collection to make it more effective in a changing environment.

NOTE: If you have created a custom agent, specify the generic app type when modifying a volume collection.
  1. Modify the volume collection.
    volcoll --edit name [--newname name ] [--description text ] [--app_sync {none | vss |vmware | generic}] [--app_server server] [--app_id {exchange | sql2005 | sql2008 | sql2012 | exchange_dag | sql2014 | sql2016 | sql2017 | hyperv}]
  2. (Optional) Modify the replication schedule for the volume collection.
    volcoll --editsched name --schedule name [--newname name ] [--repeat period] [--repeat_unit {minutes|hours|days|weeks}] [--at time] [--until time] [--days days] [--retain number]

Modifying the name and description of a volume collection, and the name of the replication schedule.

$ volcoll --edit Collection1 --newname Exchange1 --description ExhangeCollection1

Modifying a replication schedule and changing its name.

$ volcoll --editsched Protection1 --schedule Exchange1 --newname ExchangeProtection

Editing volume collection while providing app sync type generic and its arguments:

$ volcoll --edit gen-sync-test-vc1 --agent_hostname --agent_username admin
      --agent_password Nim123