Delete an iSCSI Initiator Group

Before you can delete an iSCSI initiator group, you must remove all associated volumes from the initiator group's access control list(s) (ACLs). For more information, see Remove an Initiator Group ACL from a Volume.
  1. Verify that there are no volumes associated with the iSCSI initiator group.
    initiatorgrp --info initiatorgrp_name

    If any volumes are listed for the initiator group, remove them. For more information, see Remove an Initiator Group ACL from a Volume.

  2. Delete the initiator group.
    initiatorgrp --delete initiatorgrp_name
$ initiatorgrp --info Datamon
Name: Datamon
Access Protocol: iscsi
Created: Jan 01 2016 12:00:01
Last Configuration Change: Jan 01 2016 12:00:01
Number of Subnets: 1
        Subnet Label: Subnet-
Number of Initiators: 1
        Initiator Label: Basic
                Initiator Name:
                Initiator IP Address:
Number of Volumes: 0
$ initiatorgrp --delete Datamon