Modify the Date, Time, and Time Zone

The date and time are set when the array is created. However, you can change the date, time, and time zone at any time.

  1. Modify the time zone for an NTP server

    group --edit --ntpserver server

    timezone --set zone

  2. Modify the time, date, and time zone for an array.

    date [--utc] [--edit {hh:mm[ss] |'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm[:ss]'}]

    timezone --set zone

    When you use the --utc option, change the Coordinated Universal Time.

Modifying the date and time for an array.

$ date --edit 2015-09-30 12:00:00

Modifying the time zone for an NTP server.

$ group --edit --ntpserver 
$ timezone --set Europe/Stockholm