Enable the Global TTL Feature

To enable the global TTL feature, run the group command with the desired units (hours | days | weeks) and the numeric value of units.
NOTE: It is recommended that you select an expiration unit value higher than any other currently existing schedule retention to ensure that the snapshots are retained as long as required.
IMPORTANT: Make sure that the system time on your array is set correctly, and that if you have configured an NTP server, the server is up to date and functioning correctly before enabling the TTL feature. Incorrect settings could cause snapshots to expire sooner than expected.
Enable the Time-To-Live Feature.
group --autoclean_unmanaged_snapshots on --snap_ttl numeric_value --snap_ttl_unit unit

The TTL feature is enabled.

Set snapshot TTL for 30 days:

$ group --autoclean_unmanaged_snapshots on --snap_ttl 30 --snap_ttl_unit days