Delete a Fibre Channel Initiator Group

Before you can delete a Fibre Channel initiator group, you must remove all associated volumes from the initiator group's access control list(s) (ACLs). For more information, see Remove an Initiator Group ACL from a Volume.
  1. Verify that there are no volumes associated with the Fibre Channel initiator group.
    initiatorgrp --info initiatorgrp_name

    If any volumes are listed for the initiator group, remove them. For more information, see Remove an Initiator Group ACL from a Volume.

  2. Delete the initiator group.
    initiatorgrp --remove initiatorgrp_name
$ initiatorgrp --info Datamon
Name: Datamon
Access Protocol: fc
Created: Jan 01 2016 12:00:01
Last Configuration Change: Jan 01 2016 12:00:01
Number of Initiators: 1
        Initiator: client1 (10:20:00:a0:fa:63:c2:61)
Number of Volumes: 0
$ initiatorgrp --delete Datamon