Find the Array OS Version

You must note the array OS version currently running on your array to help you select the right update. Use the CLI to locate the array OS software version.
  1. (Optional) Identify the name of the array.
    array --list
  2. Display the array information.
    array --info name
  3. Note the array OS version currently running on your array.

Identifying an array and listing its information to find its array OS version.

$ array --list
Name                  Serial            Model       Version          Status
rack6array1           rack6array1       vmware reachable  
rack6array2           rack6array2       vmware reachable  
rack6array3           rack6array3       vmware reachable   
$ array --info rack6array3
Model: vmware
Extended Model: vmware-4G-5T-160F
Serial: rack6array3
All-Flash: No
Array name: rack6array3
Supported configuration: Yes
Link-local IP address:
Group ID: 6489051080133784665
Member GID: 1
Group Management IP:
1G/10G_T/SFP/FC NIC: 4/0/0/0
Total array capacity (MiB): 23980
Total array cache capacity (MiB): 16384
Volume usage (MiB): 0
Volume compression: N/A
Volume space saved (MiB): 0
Snapshot usage (MiB): 0
Snapshot compression: N/A
Snapshot space reduction: N/A
Snapshot space saved (MiB): 0
Pending Deletes (MiB): 0
Available space (MiB): 23980
Member of pool: default
Status: reachable