Edit a Volume

Before you rename a volume, you must take it offline.

You can modify most volume configuration options, such as access restrictions, performance policy, and volume collection assignment after you have created the volume.

NOTE: If deduplication was enabled when the volume was created, the volume reserve and application category cannot be changed.
  1. Take the volume offline.
    vol --offline vol_name
  2. Make the required changes.
    vol --edit vol_name [--name new_name] [--size mebibytes] [--description text] [--perfpolicy name] [--cached_pinned {yes |no}] [--readonly {yes | no}] [--iops_limit iops] [--mbps_limit mbps] [--dedupe_enabled {yes| no}] [--thinly_provisioned {yes | no}] [--force] [--limit percent] [--multi_initiator {yes | no}] [--agent_type {none | smis}] [--iscsi_target_scope volume | group}] [--pool pool_name]

    If the volume description contains spaces, enclose all characters and spaces of the text variable in quotation marks. If you do not, the volume description will be truncated at the first space.

    See vol in the Command Reference for more information about this command.

    NOTE: If you are editing a volume with reserve, and you enable deduplication, thin provisioning is enabled by default.
  3. Set the updated volume to online.
    --online vol_name
  4. (Optional) Add an ACL to grant access to the volume to an initiator group.
    vol --addacl test1 --initiatorgrp group_name

    See Create an iSCSI Initiator Group for the procedure to create an iSCSI initiator group.

    See Create a Fibre Channel Initiator Group for the procedure to create a Fibre Channel initiator group.

Taking the volume test1 offline and changing its name to test2.
$ vol --offline test1
$ vol --edit test1 --name test2

Setting the volume test2 online.

$ vol test2 --online

Editing the volume test2, changing its size and description.

$ vol --edit test2 --size 20000 --description "for finance department"

Editing the volume test2, changing the performance policy, and setting the cache pinning option

$ vol --edit test2 --perfpolicy Policy3 --cached_pinned no

Adding an ACL to grant access to the volume test2 to the initiator group Dataman.

$ vol --addacl test2 --initiatorgrp Dataman