Remove an iSCSI Interface from a Subnet

You can remove (unassign) an iSCSI interface from a subnet using the Draft network configuration profile to validate the change. Removing an interface from a subnet disables it from carrying traffic over the subnet from which is was removed.
  1. Create a Draft network configuration profile from the Active profile.
    netconfig --create_draft_from active
  2. Remove an iSCSI interface from a subnet.
    nic --unassign nic --netconfig draft [--array {name | serial}] [--subnet subnet-label]
    NOTE: If an interface is added to multiple subnets, use the --subnet option to identify the specific subnet from which the interface is to be removed. If you do not use the --subnet option, the interface is removed from all subnets.
  3. Validate the Draft network configuration profile.
    netconfig --validate draft
    The array OS validates the configuration. If an error exists, the array OS returns an error message. Resolve all errors before proceeding to the next step.
  4. Activate the Draft network configuration profile.
    netconfig --activate draft

Removing the eth1 interface from the sub5 subnet using the Draft network configuration profile:

$ netconfig --create_draft_from active
$ nic --unassign eth1 --netconfig draft --subnet sub5     
$ netconfig --validate
INFO: Configuration is valid.
$ netconfig --activate