Restore a Volume from a Snapshot

You can restore a volume from one of its snapshots. A snapshot is automatically taken of the existing state before the volume is restored, even if third-party software is used.
NOTE: When restoring a volume, it is recommended that you unmount the volume from the host before putting the restored snapshot online. Restoring a volume without stopping all host access can cause data corruption and system errors.
  1. Set the volume to be restored offline.
    vol --offline vol-name
  2. Restore the volume from the specific snapshot you need to restore the data.
    vol --restore vol-name --snapname name
  3. Set the restored volume online.
    vol --online vol_name

Restoring the volume nimVol3 from the snapshot nimSnap12:

$ vol --offline nimVol3
$ vol --restore nimVol3 --snapname nimSnap12
$ vol --online nimVol3