Merge Two Groups

  • Check array cabling. For more information about cabling, refer to the Quick Start Guide for your arrays.

  • Ensure that the network configuration is correct.

  1. Resolve conflicts before merging groups.

    group --merge_validate group_name [--username username ] [--password password ]

    NOTE: If there is not a secondary management IP address set on the destination group, the system displays a warning. If there is a secondary management IP address on the destination group, but the source group is an uninitialized array, you will not be able to modify the secondary management IP address.
  2. Merge the two groups.

    group --merge group_name [--username username ] [--password password]

    NOTE: The merge command also runs the validation.

Validating and merging two groups.

$ group --merge_validate MyGroup --username MyName --password MyPassword
$ group --merge MyGroup --username MyName --password MyPassword